With designer Replica Furniture, it can be hard to know how to execute such well-known designs within your own household. Understanding how to appreciate the original design while adding your own flair can be tricky. Australian owned and operated Furniture Retailers, Replica Furniture have been providing Designer Replica Furniture to the Australian public for over 15 years. Similarly, general styling advice for our pieces is something we will have always been avid to offer to our clientele. With specific product highlight and focus throughout varying rooms, read on to find out exactly how to individualise and best style Replica Furniture in your Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne home! Or view our full range here!
1. Do the Unexpected

A great way to style and personalize replica’s of such well-known designs is placing them in an unanticipated space. For example the Replica Hans Wegner Elbow Chair CH20 in Ash and White seat, pictured here, is styled within a light-filled hallway. This allows the iconic Hans Wegner design to rightfully take up much of the attention within the open space. As there are no bulkier or bigger designs present to crowd the focus. Furthermore, personal flair to the product is also present. Style Replica Furniture in a space that may not have been predicted in the product’s design and watch your space transform.
2. Accentuate the details of your Replica Furniture

Pictured here is the Replica Brad Ascalon Round Dining Table in an Ash finish. This beautiful design replicated expertly by Replica Furniture Australia features a thick solid wood top. This top proudly showcases all natural woodgrains and growth marks. The equally thick base of the table similarly showcases such markings and furthermore provides great stability. This design is best suited in a space with maximum natural lighting such as this. Doing this accentuates those stunning wood mark details. Personalise this stunning piece by adding any table ornaments more specifically suited to your space. As demonstrated, with enough lighting this iconic Replica design needs little else to complete your space.

Similarly, this gorgeous and legendary design by Hans Wegner has been reproduced to perfection by Replica Furniture. Here, the Replica Hans Wegner CH25 Easy Chair, has been styled in a highly luminescent room. Furthermore, notably with little else around it. Again, this lighting accentuates the stunning and naturally occurring wood mark detailing on the frame of the chair. While likewise, placing it an open and bare space beneath artwork and windows adds personality. As it is acting as a compliment to pre-existing details within your interior.
3. Be Adventurous with your Replica Furniture Finishes!

Pictured here is the high quality replica of the Hans Wegner mid-century design ‘Wishbone Chair’. Replica Furniture offer a huge range of colour finishes. Pictured here is the, Replica Hans Wegner Wishbone Chair in a Black finish with contrasting natural rattan seat. Choose a finish to suit your your space and add your own personality.
Need further assistance?
Need assistance finding the best colour finish for your space? Get in contact with us today to find your ideal furnishings and best suiting to your personal style! Furthermore, our knowledgeable and friendly staff are waiting to assist you from our Brisbane Showroom. Where you can also view our full range in person! Additionally, reach our helpful customer service team by phone Monday to Friday. In short, we are happy to chat through any product queries or just general styling advice. This is all part of our dedication to ensuring our customers not only receive the best possible shopping experience but are also confident in their purchase.